Sunday 3 July 2011

Tail Docking and Ear Cropping in Miniature Pinschers

Ancient Romans invented tail docking and ear cropping for dogs, believing the surgery to prevent rabies. Now, of course, we know that rabies is caused by a virus, and immunize our dogs against the disease.
Everyone's looking for ways to make their home more energy efficient, and windows are a great way to do just that. Homeowners want windows that have a great appearance, energy performance, and overall durability. There are many to choose from, let's take a look.
If you've ever looked for a table that can be packed away easily to make space then you'll know a drop leaf antique table is a great investment. Whether you use it as your permanent dinner table - or only bring it out for parties and special occasions, a drop leaf table can be a life saver.
Looking to save energy and money this year? Here are some tips to help lessen the burden of "window" shopping.
There are certain wonderful smells that define summer and good times. Camp fires and roasted marshmallows have to be on the top of that list. There is something almost magical about sitting around a crackling fire with friends and family on a cool summer night. Now many homeowners are increasing the value of their homes and improving the relaxation potential of their backyards with permanent fire pits. Now a backyard in Rhode Island can be as warm and inviting as a New York campground, but you don't have to burn gas to get there.
cheney stand down order, lara logan

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